La vendemmia ha sempre rappresentato un momento di festa per la campagna: tutto il lavoro, i sacrifici e gli sforzi vengono ripagati dall’aria di festa che si respira. Un tempo, erano tipiche le scene di ragazze con le gonne al ginocchio che pestavano l’uva, gli uomini la trasportavano dal vigneto con delle ampie ceste e…


Imagining a trip to the vineyards of the world, discovering the smells of the cultivated grape varieties, we can discover that by approaching the nose to the bunches, only a few give off a scent and that all the others appear odorless. At the end of our tour, we will therefore discover that the unscented grapes represent almost the totality of the wine varieties. ...


What is roundness in a wine? The first consideration is that it is a tactile and not a gustatory stimulus. The perception of softness can be simply defined as the sensation of roundness that occurs in the mouth during tasting. A sensation, so to speak, viscous and dense, capable of giving the wine ...


The most serious scandal in the wine sector dates back to thirty years ago, in Italy: it is the episode of wine with methanol which in March 1986 caused 23 victims with dozens of people with very serious injuries, such as loss of sight, due to intoxication caused by the practice of increasing the alcohol content of wine with methanol ...


The search for quality prevents the mechanization of the harvest, especially in some denominations, therefore it is preferable to resort to manual harvesting. The harvesters, without the aid of mechanical tools, cut the bunches of grapes, collect them in specific containers and transport them to the cellar, relying exclusively on the precision and delicacy of their hands and the strength of their ...


For about ten years the de-alcoholization of wine has been practiced in the world, a process that allows the partial or total extraction of ethanol from wine. There are various methods for de-alcoholising a wine, but the most used is the one called “vacuum”. It is an alcohol extraction process that includes almost 4 main phases: - the ...

10 HARVEST 2012-2022

Here we are, here we are, it doesn't seem true but 10 years have passed, 10 HARVESTS, 2012-2022. We want to write something to the universe, to the people we met, to the lost moments and to those in which we found ourselves. We want to write something about our vineyard and its grapes, to all those times that we hated it but then cured it and ...


History tells us that cork was used by the ancient Greeks as early as the fifth century BC for closing containers. This habit derives from the discovery, over 2500 years ago, of the main properties of the wood obtained from the cork or cork tree. Among the characteristics of cork we have: Hermeticity: linked to the presence of suberin, an organic substance ...